Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasa Stankovic’s wedding festivities were nothing short of royal, with multiple functions held at a luxury resort in Udaipur. The couple has been sharing glimpses of their grand celebrations on social media, and on Tuesday, they posted unseen pictures from their Sangeet night. In the photos, the couple can be seen dancing the night away in their black and ivory traditional outfits. The heavily-embellished ensembles from designer Manish Malhotra’s Mijwan Collection are what dreams are made of.
Natasa’s ivory lehenga features intricate Chikankari embroidery, sequinned work, and a plunging back, styled with a sheer sleeve/dupatta style jacket draped over the shoulders. She completed the look with diamond jewelry, heels, open tresses, and minimal makeup. Hardik complemented her in a black embroidered sherwani, featuring a bandhgala jacket, kurta, and straight-fitted pants. The jacket has front button closures, full sleeves, intricate ivory brocade embroidery, and a fitted silhouette, while the kurta has a pinstripe pattern, an open neckline, and full sleeves.
The couple’s adorable moments at the Sangeet, showing off their killer moves on the dance floor and sealing the deal with a kiss amid pretty fireworks, were shared on Instagram with the caption, “My dance partner for life.” Check out their stunning Sangeet looks in the photos inside.
Their outfits are from designer Manish Malhotra’s timeless Mijwan Collection.