The Legend of Maula Jatt, which stars Fawad Khan, debuted a while ago and has since been an unstoppable success at the box office. Despite many fresh films entering theatres, the action-drama picture in Punjabi that Bilal Lashari directed and wrote has remained slogged along at the box office in Pakistan. The Legend of Maula Jatt, which is one of the most expensive Pakistani films ever made, has reached another milestone after becoming one of the longest-running Pakistani movies.
Weeks after its October 2022 release, the movie earned more than Rs. 200 crores at international box offices. According to the most recent information, The Legend of Maula Jatt has earned a staggering Rs. 80 crore at the local box office and an additional staggering Rs. 120 crores at the overseas box office. This puts the Pakistani movie’s overall receipts at an astounding Rs. 200 cr., a record for a Pakistani release.
It’s interesting that The Legend of Maula Jatt keeps dominating home and foreign box office charts. Given this pattern, the movie’s commerce will probably keep expanding.