The sharp rise of internet usage during the past few years has taught individuals and business firms to improve their working style and made many people in business rethink how to make it work and reach their target audience in a vast number. There are still many business magnates and individuals who cannot make proper use of the new digital world. Hence, it goes on hampering their life professionally as well as personally. So, a digital marketing coach comes into the picture who can make an organization or a business person digitally literate with one session, providing them with complete digital transformation services. We are talking about one such Digital Marketing Coach Hariprasad J R, who provides clarity about the particular digital needs and helps one prepare a strategic plan to meet the requirements of everyone in every walk of life.
Mr Hariprasad J R is a Digital Marketing Consultant in Kerala with rich experience of 10 years in banking, personal finance, sales and marketing, managing teams, conducting training programs in world-class corporates such as HDFC Bank Ltd UAE Exchange and a few other Start-Up. He provides full-time training in his training organization ‘LifeTech Solutions’, which aims at helping people to learn and integrate technology to improve their quality of life. Currently, he holds the capacity of an Executive Director and Master Trainer at ‘LifeTech solutions’.
The training programs offered by Mr Hariprasad in digital marketing includes various E-learning modules such as:
1. Social Media marketing for beginners where people can learn how to place ads from scratch on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
2. Technology fundamentals for beginners who wish to make a mark in technology from the basics.
3. ‘Powerful Powerpoint’ for teachers and trainers to enable them to create stunning presentations professionally.
4. ‘Smart E – Student’, an exclusive program for students and parents to analyze the pros and cons of tech-enabled learning in the new expected time.
The training modules prepared by Mr Hariprasad are specifically designed for teachers and trainers, working professionals, Insurance sales professionals, Entrepreneurs, and other professionals so that each one can achieve the target in their field and stand tall.
Besides, he provides a free semi-automatic Whatsapp marketing tool for marketing professionals to send personalized messages to their customers. He also gives a 360-degree personal finance planning tool with the help of which one can plan his finance in future by converting their life goals into financial goals with a strategy for its achievement.
As a Digital Marketing Coach, Mr Hariprasad provides digital marketing consultation to his clients by giving a deep insight into the best possible way towards the growth of the business based on the analysis of their digital presence. He feels every brand has a story to tell, and he feels responsible for spreading that brand’s story to a wider audience resulting in the growth of their business staying in tune with their online presence. He creates an actionable and effective digital marketing strategy tailored to the company and the brand’s needs to ensure the brands stand out in the market.
Suppose you want to chalk out your brand’s positioning and identify the channels to convey your brand’s story with a productive outcome professionally. In that case, Mr Hariprasad is the right person, the best Digital Marketing Consultant in Kerala. Establish a clear marketing plan and strategy so that it makes you stand apart from the crowd.
Mr Hariprasad can be contacted on 9946000484 or ,or you can visit –