“You don’t need to be a topper to become successful in your life,” said 20 years old Ritesh
Tiwari, who is a very known personality in the industry of Social Media Marketing. The man
himself – Ritesh, is on fire in his industry and has recently earned 40 Lakh rupees in just 16
months. This guy also belongs to a middle-class family, and thus his parents wanted him to get
a respectable job instead of going through all such struggles. Neither his family/friends/relatives
understood his dreams nor the circumstances were in his favor, but he eventually turned the
table even after all such things.
Ritesh didn’t have any entrepreneurial tendencies right from the beginning but has a mentality to
build and earn independently. His journey started just after class 12 with absolutely zero
Knowledge, Money, and Experience. Beginning with a traditional business of selling the
products in eCommerce, he has struggled for almost 1.5 years in different-different businesses,
but nothing worked out, and all he got was consistent failures. After seeing all these failures,
Ritesh’s parents were worried about him & his career. With each failure, they eagerly wanted
him to stop and give more focus on his studies, but on the other hand, with each failure, Ritesh
has become better and stronger. He was having a stronger comeback each time he failed.
He was an optimistic personality, and that’s why he took all his failures as a lesson, and this is
how he turned his failures into his favors. His professional life was also affecting his personal
life, and due to this, he has faced breakups in friendships and relationships. Neither his
professional life was giving him something, nor was he able to maintain his mental health. But
he became indifferent to all these things and was working in his field. Then, finally, the phase
came in his life when his business started giving him monetary advantages; all his skills and
experience were paying off. But then somehow life played his chance, and overnight he came to
scratch. “This was the biggest depressed phase of his life,” he said.
After that phase, he learned that anything could happen anytime in business; business is about
uncertainty. Despite losing everything – his business, his mental stability, he didn’t stop working
on himself and his company, and then eventually today, he got success.
Ritesh’s parents also said they were worried when their kid – Ritesh, was going through all the
struggles. Since belonging to a middle-class family, they didn’t have enough rough resources,
and hence they wanted Ritesh not to try any fancy things and get a respectable job, but now
they admit that their kid has proven them his worth, and they are now proud of him. Talking to
Ritesh, he realizes that despite not belonging to a business background, he has learned and
done everything on his own, and they are in a good position now, but still, there are so many
things to explore, learn and earn. He said, “this industry has a different level of potential, and I
will work hard to acquire more and more.
Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/riteshh_tiwarii/