The importance of respect for women in Indian society The role of Education has been crucial in giving women a dignified place in society The continuous literacy campaign run by the central government and various state governments since independence, especially in the last two-and-a-half decades, and the imperative of providing primary education to all children and girls of 6 to 14 years have made it even more important Also, the adult education program has also played an important role in this
If we look at India’s past, especially in the Vedic period and post-Vedic period, women had the same right to education as men Gargi Maitreyi lopmudra etc. certain erudite women are the best examples of feminine education which are mentioned in the oldest evidence In the same order, even during the Buddhist period, women had the right to enter the Sangh and receive education With the arrival of many foreign aggressors in time, the question of female safety became more important than female education and a lot of social bonds on women began to grow Every woman in the world, and every man in the world, and every man in the world; And the sight of men and women in the sight of men and women in the sight of men and women in the sight of men; The purdah practice, Sati-practice, slave practice, etc., served only to bring down the status of women With the social renaissance that came to India in modern times, the system of education of women was renewed and with the inspiration of social reformers like rajarammohan Rai, Swami Dayanand Saraswati and some missionaries set up some schools for girls education In 1904 Mrs. annibesant established the Central Hindu girls ‘ school in Banaras
After independence, the Indian Constitution gave all citizens the right to provide equal education to the self-men of all castes and sects, and for the dissemination of women’s education, the National Women’s Education Committee, the National Council for women’s education, Hansa Mehta committee, etc., was constituted and carried out important work in the field of self-education Today, the percentage of girls ‘ education in rural and urban areas alike is increasing significantly Many educated women in various fields of public life such as medicine, engineering technology, sports, management, geology, space science, politics and social service have achieved significant achievements and contributed to the formation of the nation When a man is educated, only one person is educated, while when a woman is educated, the whole family is educated Our present government of India has also undertaken many initiatives on girls ‘ education and many educational institutions have been set up exclusively for women Rajshree Yojana was launched from 1st June 2016 in place of shubhalakshmi Yojana in Rajasthan In Rajasthan, the chief minister offers scholarships to girls who have passed the 10th class in our daughter scheme Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign has taken necessary steps towards gender ratio improvement as well as women empowerment by educating women Today, women are surpassing men in every field of Education.