is your business ready for
the being famous experience
HIREN BHATT – helping startups and businesses build and grow their dreamS
I work with companies on development that enables the company to amplify its growth plans, accelerate the expansion of its operations, and build a more robust network to gain market share in India & Abroad.
To keep up with the more significant competition, the business needs to have an effective end to end business management solution that uses the latest technological developments.
Once you have created a practical plan for themarketing strategy, you need to activate your RACE model effectively. It is more about HOW you execute it that makes the difference in your business sustainability and scaling.
Reach: Grow your audience online
Act: Encourage brand interactions and leads
Convert: Increase online and offline sales through optimization
Engage: Build customer loyalty and advocacy
The line dividing the physical and digital worlds is blurring like never before. New-age shoppers are increasingly looking for a digital interface to facilitate a speedy and innovative shopping experience.
This has driven retailers across the world to integrate technology to reinvigorate their business plans. Keeping pace with these changes, Indian retailers have already started drawing up a blended commerce strategy to bring everything to the customer’s doors and fingertips. This is very important for your business, too, and you must act sooner than later to leap into the continuous connection era for your business.
Now, do this:
Recall your competitor in the last five years.
Recall the one that had big Success stories.
Recall those that barely survive today as your competition in business.
Think about Zomato, OYO, Nykaa examples. These companies started some years back in India and initially invested in an AI-driven app (technology). Today, they enjoy a much more significant market share in respective industries in terms of revenues & people doing business with them than 30 or 50 years old companies in the same industry.
This is where you need to think about the Strategic Growth Opportunities (SGO) lying with your business. I can assist with:
Better Market Penetration: Sell more of the current product to current customers.
Sensible Market Development: Sell more of the current product to an adjacent market – next town over or next state over.
Improved Product Development: Sell more by developing improved new products for current customers.
Establish Alternative Channels: Sell more of the current product using different sales channels (i.e. internet, stores, distribution partner, etc.)
Launch New Product for New Customers: Sell more by introducing new products for new customers based on consumer needs identified.
About me:
Besides being an advisor to multiple big brands on their growth strategy and founding an innovative company, Global Hand Shake (GHS), I am dedicated to giving my clients a competitive advantage over current competitors. I strive to assist clients in becoming successful in their field of work by providing that personal interaction to ensure they are getting everything they need from the consultation or associating me with their team. I assist design the future of business into a successful and innovative future for the young and spirited entrepreneurs.
Want to grow your company?
Then we should talk
Feel free to call +91.8849273648