Everybody enjoys a great beginning tale, whether it’s imaginary or actual reality. Do you know about the financial coach with whom you’ve been dealing for decades? What drew him or her to engage with statistics and percentages, determining how those statistics affect someone’s life?
That’s why we asked one of India’s top financial coach, Mr Mukesh Gupta, to give his insights on business inspirations to personal choices that motivate him every day to give his best in his business.
Who is Mr Mukesh Gupta?
Mr Mukesh Gupta, a Fellow Chartered Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, and Certified Public Financial Planner, has championed Wealthcare. He has been in the wealth management sector for over 22 years. He was previously employed with the Birla Group.
On Business
How did the idea for your business come about?
I was working for a big corporate firm wherein, investors’ interests were considered secondary and probably like any other firm, profit was the primary objective. Being a CA, we believe in relationship-oriented business. Normally, CAs are known to work for lifelong relationships. Hence, I decided to take on this opportunity.
How do you build a successful customer base?
I knew a couple of them through the CA study group, and I knew a few of them personally from earlier. As a result, I began with them, and the rest is history.
How did you raise funding for your venture?
I utilised the household savings to start my business. I had a handful of years’ worth of savings, enough to last two years (for my family). I only had the help of my family & friends.
On Inspiration
What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?
I always wanted to become an entrepreneur. After qualifying for CA, I started broking business but suffered losses during Harshad Mehta time due to defaults committed by clients. I took those losses as learning cost to understand the equity market. That learning was a valuable asset for my whole life.
What motivates you?
Everything in the financial world excites me, the possibilities it creates and the impact it can have in the life of an individual if properly managed is what intrigues me even more. The craving to impart financial education and bring more and more population to the financial map is also something I am dedicated to be working for.
How do you generate new ideas?
Generating ideas is something every human being does, how well can you execute that idea is what makes a difference. I read and comprehend. I attend seminars on variety of topics, some of which are unconnected to my business, to gain a better understanding of diverse viewpoints.
What is your greatest fear & how do you manage fear?
I think not being able to achieve what I am working for is the biggest fear I have. That’s why I make sure to learn from my mistakes and build on my success.
On Work-Life balance
Can you outline your typical day?
I strongly believe that a healthy mind lies in a healthy body. I start my day with badminton, have proper breakfast and then I start my work and my day ends at approximately 9 pm.
How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
When I started in the early 2000s, it was only my professional life. It occupied most of the day. Now with staff, and the years spent in building relationships, I am able to make time for my family as well.
On being an entrepreneur
How do you define success?
I consider it a success if all of my client’s financial objectives are accomplished. If people become financially educated as a result of my investment awareness programme, that is a success for me.
Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?
I think winning client trust is the most important formula. In long run, trust makes your business more successful. I am able to close deals without meeting personally which otherwise could have taken too much time.
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
When we can get invitations from our clients for their functions, discussion about matters other than business is a very satisfying moment.
What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
- Adaptability
- Persistence
- Hard work
You always insist on consistency as being a key driver in your success, what is your mantra on that?
So, basically, everyone fails but only thing that can help you overcome that failure is consistency in your efforts.
Before you strive to effectively execute a strategy to create your organization, as a motivated financial adviser, you would like to know which tactics truly work.