This year, Akshay Kumar had a record-breaking four theatrical releases and one streaming release. Additionally, he is anticipated to release several albums in 2023. The famous person recently attended the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he revealed an intriguing fact about his forthcoming movie. Speaking with moderator Kaleem Aftab on Saturday, December 3, Akshay disclosed that one of his upcoming movies discusses the value of sex education.
Akshay said, “It’s a crucial topic. (Sex education) is lacking in many regions. Every school in the world should include sex education as one of the many courses we study there. Release of (this movie) is scheduled for April [or] May.”
But Akshay Kumar omitted to give the movie’s title. Fans were left wondering which movie this would be. Bollywood Hungama has the solution. According to a source who spoke to Bollywood Hungama, “OMG Oh my god 2 is the movie that Akshay Kumar mentioned. A concerned citizen petitions the court for sex education to be made mandatory in schools in this dramatic yet hard-hitting courtroom play.
OMG, Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal appeared in the 2012 courtroom drama Oh My God. The protagonist was the atheist Kanji (Paresh Rawal), whose store was damaged in an earthquake. Kanji filed a lawsuit against God because the insurance company refused to pay him back, alleging an “act of God.” The movie’s main plot, in which Akshay Kumar portrayed Lord Krishna, was how He joined Kanji in his struggle.
It’s clear from first glance that Akshay Kumar will reportedly play Lord Shiva in OMG Oh My God 2. The source stated, “A movie called OMG Oh My God will have a divine link. The writers and director Amit Rai have cleverly incorporated the God component and the peculiar court case involving sex education. The creators are sure that it will draw audiences and spark debate. It also features Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi in addition to Akshay.
Intriguingly, Akshay Kumar hinted at the movie’s release date, April or May 2023, while discussing it at the festival. April is jam-packed with releases, an industry insider informed Bollywood Hungama. The month of May 2023 is ideal. No other movies are scheduled for release save Yaariyan 2 and Swatantraveer Savarkar.