The Construction Industry is expected to be the third largest construction market globally by 2025. Real Estate Projects such as residential, office, retail, hotels and leisure parks and Infrastructure Projects like Water supply, Oil and Gas, Metros, Highways etc., will fuel the massive growth of the Indian Construction Industry.
The Industry needs about 25 Lakh Construction Project Managers in the next 2 years to fuel this growth. But unfortunately, according to the reports published by All India Survey on Higher Education, the average enrollment in Bachelor of Civil Engineering programmes in universities across the country has been reducing by 8% over the last 5 years on an average. This declining trend is a warning sign for the society as the Construction Industry needs a well trained and qualified workforce for the next 4 decades.
The Construction Industry is a slow adopter of digitalisation because of a variety of factors. Lack of Knowledge on latest technologies is a major factor for the slow adoption. Access to information and knowledge on path breaking innovations at the grassroot level is crucial to boost adoption of digitalisation.
The Department of Civil Engineering at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru led by Dr Ananthayya M B successfully completed a National Level Faculty Development Programme on Topical Transcends in Construction Technology with the theme of Digital Construction BOOTCAMP in association with a Bangalore based B-School, Ascend School of Construction Business. This BOOTCAMPfocused on the latest trends and technologies in the Construction Industry and how these technologies can be leveraged for better Project Management.
The Programme Coordinator, Prof Gowtham B said “It was an absolute delight to be able to organise the programme in association with Ascend School of Construction Business as it enables Industry Academia Interaction”
Multiple Experts from Ascend School of Construction Business, a techno-management corporate business school backed by visionary Entrepreneurs, Stalwarts from the Construction Industry delivered a series of immersive sessions based on upcoming technologies like
- Building Information Modelling
- Data Science
- Robotics, 3D Printing
- Smart Infrastructure
- Internet of Things and their applications in the Construction Industry.
Ms Rashmi Rao, Head of Corporate Relations at Ascend School of Construction Business said “Ascend Digital Construction BOOTCAMP is a unique Faculty Development Programme specially crafted to instill a deep understanding on digital technology that’s transforming the Construction Industry. The FDP helps elevate the output standard of students who aspire to become competitive professionals by uplifting the industry knowledge of the faculty.”
The week-long Faculty Development Programme which was scheduled from 30th August 2021 to 5th September 2021 had about 150 registered participants from all over the country. At the Virtual Inauguration ceremony for the event, the Chief Guest, Dr. Rupesh Iyengar, a scholar, author and Director of Services Consultants LLP, stated that “The Construction Industry in India is expected to grow at a healthy pace over the next 10-12 years. Digital Transformation will be a revolution and will boost the sector’s overall productivity and bring in more jobs in the near future.” Dr. Rupesh Iyengar is a thought leader and is currently serving as the President of Fire and Safety Association of India. Dr. Rupesh is also a distinguished Stalwart and Professor of Practice at Ascend School of Construction Business where he will be teaching “Sustainable Building Techniques” for the Cohort of Post Graduate Programme in Construction and Business Management.
The Principal of the organising Institution- Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Dr. Ramesh Babu H S said “Ascend School of Construction Business is doing a commendable job by collaborating with multiple organizations and thought leaders within the Construction Industry. This Faculty Development Programme has immensely benefited all the participants who had enrolled from top institutions from all over the country”
Another distinguished speaker at the event was Dr. Mona N. Shah, a thought leader and an author. Dr Shah spoke engaged with all faculty members through an interactive session on “Managing Millenials”. She brought out interesting perspectives and shared her rich experience from being the Dean of National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune and RICS School of Built Environment, Noida for over 2 decades. Dr Shah will be a Professor of Practice and handle subjects related to Construction Business Strategy at Ascend School of Construction Business. Dr. Ananthayya M B, the Convener of the event gave all participants a detailed report of the event on the Valedictory Function and expressed his gratitude to Ascend School of Construction Business for making this event a grand success.