One who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
He is SUBHAM MEHER, a 21 year old Management student from Odisha. In the year 2020, due to pandemic he had some medical & financial crisis in his family and he also dropped out from the collage. Then, everyone saw him as a loser and that’s why he started his online business journey and made himself one of the youngest E-sports investor and forex trader and till now he has made 1.7 MILLION INR at the age of 21 and become “ONE OF THE YOUNGEST MILLIONAIRE INVESTOR AND TRADER”.
He belongs to a well family but during the lockdown period, his family faced some problems and from the initial day he was just an average student. As we all know that every Indian parents want their child to graduate and get a secure job to build a career. But…He had the mindset to be his own boss but at that time no one took him seriously.
In April 2020, while scrolling on social media, he came across about affiliate marketing. He found it to be interesting, since he was ready to explore new things, then he first started his affiliate marketing journey in “Bizgurukul”. In just 2 months he earned upto 45k (thousand) INR but he thought it is not over yet now. He researched about forex market because he heard about it while watching YouTube….This was the turning point of his life. Since, he wanted to know more about it, he purchased a course to know more about it.
So The FOREIGN EXCHANGE (forex) market also known as currency or foreign currency market, it is approximate *$5 TRILLION DOLLAR MARKET* ( yes trillion not billion) per day… The total daily value of all stock trading in the world equals just about one hour’s worth of trading in forex market every day……
So Subham gained knowledge about it and knows this market very well. He started trading in this market with Olymptrade broker app and first he invested all his money which he had earned from affiliate marketing and lost all the money in just 2 days of time….then he thought he had invested a big amount so he would make profit on daily basis, that’s why he asked his father for more money and at that time his father also took him seriously because he knew, his son is really taking it very seriously. So, this time he invested 1.5 lakhs INR again but following the past he again lost all the money in just 4 days of time…. This time he really felt demotivated and his family also nagged him because he lost a very big amount of money…. So, this time he knew what he had been doing wrong. He took a break again and started reading research materials about market, did some paper trading and in 2 months he had saved some money approx 10k and again started his journey and within 5 months he recovered all his losses and he also returned money to his father which he had lost in trading and now he has become a *Profitable trader*, this all has happened because of his Unquitable attitude….he knows, failure is the part of life and one day he will become successful in his trading journey; this is all about the mindset…..
But the fact is, most of the people just keep on thinking and don’t take action. But this was not the case with SUBHAM , he didn’t waste any second and started his journey. He failed many times but now he has become one of the youngest investor.
In the initial days, he focused on learning because as we all know without having any prior knowledge about what are you doing, you can’t do it properly. And in the first 5 months he generated more than 2.5 lakh rupees of profit. But the next some months was a game-changer because he made approx 9 lakhs INR from Trading and became ONE OF THE TOP YOUNGEST TRADER AND INVESTOR IN HIS FIELD. THEN HE ALSO STARTED INVESTING IN *E-SPORTS*. He was one of those few who got invited to an event in Delhi for a trip with the e-Sports Organizations…..
Being from a small town orthodox family boy it’s very difficult for him. His family doesn’t believe in these stuffs because of the frauds and scams in market. Many people are suffering from what society will say if you follow an unorthodox career path, but you have to upgrade yourself, everything is shifting from offline to online, all thanks to internet. Some people misuse internet but he used internet and his smartphone to grow in his life.
There are two types of people in this world ACTION TAKERS AND THINKERS. SUBHAM was an action taker and toiled for his dreams and desires. Because after experiencing all of these life’s first time, now he was an investor in many more things like NFTs, Crypto. He aims to become one of the biggest angel investors in India…..
Now he was a student and also a full time trader…..
You can follow him on Instagram to get his latest updates.
Reminder:- There are two types of people in world. Action taker or Thinker and now, choice is yours because ACTION TAKERS ARE THE MONEY MAKERS…
Disclaimer: This is a paid press release. No Journalists were involved in the creation and publishing of the content.