Authored By – Jigna Tanna
Serial Entrepreneur, International Celebrity Business-Build-Up Coach, TEDX Speaker
I want to share an inciting incident I recently encountered on my trip to Bangalore, the Tech capital of India. I met these two dynamic powerhouse founders Darpan and Aditya at their 50 FINTECH office in the elite Ramaiah Campus. OK – so what were my first observations of the prolific duo…..first and foremost even after studying at top-notch colleges like PURDUE [USA] and BABSON [USA] they did not opt for high-profile jobs offered to them by the best Corporate houses, and secondly… of having huge legacies to carry on their strong shoulders they went ahead to float their Start-Up not to prove themselves to the world or even to themselves but to create a massive disruption in the Fintech scenario and make the end-consumers life easy.
Darpan the Technology wizard and Aditya the Finance maestro’s passions are to spot opportunities in businesses that aim to disrupt the status quo, do things differently and make life better for people. Their story is full of Perseverance + Patience + Performance. I think they neatly fit into the metaphor of a ‘young formulating river’ – noisy, energetic to cut its course, create waterfalls and harness wider horizons. The unique thing about this duo is that they possess a completely different type of DNA. A DNA which pushes them towards devising consumer-centric strategies, formulating collaborative technology, designing fusion of innovation, being fast-paced, scalable and agile, building credibility and a solid workforce, layering through competitive differentiation, whirling on a huge bumpy roller-coaster ride every single day and a million factors to look into…..PHEW !!!!!! Imagine I am breathless describing their journey but they are tirelessly whizzing towards success. Such incredibly pepped-up doers.
Their mantra while building Fifty Fintech is to assemble a rock-solid team with whom they can work in tandem to constantly tilt towards rapid experimentation and steady growth, accelerate the scaling process continuously, develop comprehensive strategic planning and a bulletproof talent pool that can thrive under pressure.
Their Start-Up Founder psychology is that if you are building something amazing, to build it with complete conviction, which is focused on long-term sustenance and has an incredible amount of value even if it means drinking from fire hoses ……
They get their daily dose of motivation from the overwhelming feedback from their end-users which also helps them to grow and deliver more fantastic disruptions. They think that there will always be fluctuations and noises around their businesses but with the kind of conviction, focus and incredible amount of value they are building for their Fintech Disruption they will continue to march like warriors.
These two dynamites are in a massive bid to change the business world scenario by collaborating, and sharing, by bringing in the latest trend in technology and creating giant leap shifts in consumer-grade experiences.
Darpan, Aditya and I have now pledged to be major drivers in the start-up ecosystem by emphasizing professional upskilling, increasing the talent pool, generating notable jobs, expanding the domestic as well as international markets, contributing by solidifying India’s standing as a top investment destination and being the ultimate inspirator mentors.
So let’s break the centuries-old adage ‘ only learn from your elders ‘. Let’s drop our alter egos and let’s take huge insights from the extremely intelligent, talented, and focused GeNext. They are like a whiff of fresh lavender lilies, ready to bloom and explode. They are ‘Digital-Natives’, optimistic, inspiring, focused, life-long learners with a hassle-free attitude, super achievers and clear communicators. KUDOS to these millennials who are revolutionising the planet by giving us out-of-the-world experiences and making it an amazing place to live in !!!!!!!
“Millennials are a generation on fire and are always ready to give a new narrative to the world “
If you all need any kind of guidance, mentorship and coaching in a new venture or a start-up space kindly reach out to me @