Praveen Balusu – a hard-core fan of MS Dhoni, Team India and Chennai Super Kings comes with an important message.
Showering love when the Team wins and throwing tantrums when they lose is not right. When our team loses, we find a hundred reasons to point out but we tend to forget that this very same team has given us a thousand reasons to smile.
No one plays to lose. The hurt of the loss is more for the players. We as fans might get hurt because of a loss, but just imagine the players and the support staff. The sacrifices they make and the pain they take during these ups and downs is something that should be highly respected. Our Team was in the bubble world for a prolonged period. It’s not easy. They had given us a diversion, excitement and heartful smiles during the pandemic. Let’s not forget all these.
Let’s give them the much-needed support and love. The one who stands by in a loss is eligible to celebrate success. A true fan will always love, cheer and support the Team be it a win or a loss.
We need to feel ourselves in the player’s shoes. A careless tantrum may kindle discord; a cruel word may wreck a heart; a timely word may level pain, but a loving word may heal and bless which in turn makes our players play even far better.
Cricket needs Teams
Teams need Players
Players need Skills
Skills need Practice
Practice needs Passion
Passion needs Heart
Heart needs Love
Love comes from the Fans
Cricketers are merely human beings like all of us. They do have wishes and dreams to fulfil. They see their happiness in giving us victories. A smile and a shoulder from all of us can pump in more energy and happiness to them. Our team is always special and unique.
There is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory. The players keep practising and honing their skills sweating out all the time. When they put on the Indian jersey, the name on the front is more important for them than the name on their back.
Our TEAM INDIA has been giving us much wanted joy and we should shower our love at the time of adversity rather than criticizing. It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. The dark and unknown are scary unless one person remembers to turn on the light in the darkest of times. Never underestimate the heart of a Champion.
The love for the game is in every cricketer’s heart, which spreads to the blood which they bleed on the ground. The passion for playing is in their skin, which is shed when they sweat. Playing isn’t something that they do; it’s a part of them.
For our Players, it’s a deep passion in them that comes from their hearts. They practice, play, lift, sacrifice, sweat and compete. They do it all for us and the Nation. Cricket is a bigger part of them than we can understand. Sometimes the stadiums might be full of fans but sometimes the stadiums might be only half full. But they still play hard. We cheer for them because we know them. We know more than just their names. Like all of us, they are also normal humans. It’s about pride, in them, in the game. It’s about their love and passion for the game. And when it’s all over, when they walk off the field for the last time, their hearts crumble. Those tears are real. But deep down inside, they are very proud of themselves, they are proud of the Nation, they are proud of the game of Cricket. They will forever be what few can call themselves, the great servants of the wonderful game of Cricket.
People won’t remember what we did. People won’t remember what we said. But people will always remember the way we made them feel.
It’s easy for a layman to comment watching cricket on the television. The pain could only be felt when one faces the cricket ball on a cricket pitch. Only the experienced can understand the pain our players go through in tough times. Support at the time of need is the most warmth love one can ever provide to anyone. Praise when winning and mock when losing – Not the right way though!
True Love is all about standing with and by our Team when they need it but not just all about celebrating their success. We as fans should extend our adorable love to our Team, Players and Support Staff irrespective of a win or a loss.
Praveen Balusu is forever a true fan of TEAM INDIA and can be connected through:
Twitter: @praveenbalusu1
Instagram: @praveenbalusu7