The streaming platform for Amitabh Bachchan’s action drama has been locked. On November 11th, Rajshri Productions, the film’s director, opened it in theatres. Watch the true friendship story when and where it is appropriate.
After only two days since its November 11 theatrical premiere, Amitabh Bachchan’s debut film, “Uunchai,” has shut its streaming service. The film is directed by Rajshri Productions, a studio well recognised in Bollywood for showcasing timeless family drama movies. Blockbusters like “Nadiya Ke Paar,” “Maine Pyaar Kiya,” “Hum Aapke Hain Kaun,” “Vivaah,” and many others have been produced by Rajshri Productions throughout the years. Rajshri Productions recently celebrated its 60th film release and the company’s 75th anniversary in Bollywood.
Few screens worldwide have seen the release of Uunchai. November 11th, 2022 saw the movie’s theatrical debut. According to reports, a major OTT provider also purchased the film’s digital rights. Soon, Zee5 subscribers may view Uunchai. The release dates for OTT are awaiting announcements.
Both reviewers and viewers have favourable things to say about Uunchai. Fans have flocked to theatres to see this movie despite its premiere on a small number of screens. According to reviews, the movie is easy to watch yet also emotionally engaging for families. The crowd has responded well to performances by well-known members of the fraternity.