Investment Tree Fincorp, an EdTech platform, leverages an online-offline approach to share financial market knowledge. It aims at improving the financial understanding of aspirants through a well-curated course illustrated with personal experiences.
Stock market trading is gaining popularity. Everyone desires to add an alternate revenue stream in this new set of ambiguous wave. The stock market has always been a lucrative option, but the barrier to entry (i.e., knowing the technicalities) always remained prominent.
After facing similar difficulties and hindrances at the beginning of their college life, co-founders Vishank Kansal, Vadanya Agrawal, and Daksh Mahajan founded Investment tree fin corp in 2019 as a service provider aims to help their college mates with intraday trading.
In early 2018, when Vishank connected with his flatmate Vadanya, who has experience in stock market trading. The two identified the pain points that they faced as a trader and hindrances in their learning curve. Later, Daksh joined the group and was the harbinger for shifting the venture from a service provider to an ed-tech platform.
While in the idea stage, startup (ITF) has started to work on their curriculum for the course and specifically aimed at simplifying the learning and focused not only on the theoretical aspects but also on the practical applicability of the matter.
Co-founder Vishank says, “We are the pedestal, a step-by-step guide to help the beginner to enter into the stock market. We aim to make them self-efficient to do their analysis.”
Starting in college
We all reconnected during the first year of college. In a hope to become financially independent, we refurbished our trading skills. With all set to take our trading to the next stage, we started exploring the financial literature, manuscripts and also did various courses to gain proficiency.
Co-founder Vadanya added, “We three are a very practical person. After completing our courses and testing our skills for more than 3 years, we didn’t wait for the iconic right time. We just started! Thinking alone is futile if you know what you are doing and feel positive about it. Just do it.”
Pivot to EdTech platform
Investment tree fin corp blends the traditional way of learning with personal experiences to ease the difficulties related to the concepts.
“In April 2020, we pivoted from providing only suggestions to an EdTech platform providing a holistic approach. Fundamentals and technical analysis are well-curated through our courses.”
We focus on the fundamental development of aspirants in these 5 core areas, technical jargon, a strategy based on analysis, market analysis, logical thinking and cognitive skills.
“When someone learns from you and acknowledges for the recent trade they made after learning those strategies. Such happiness is our constant inspiration to continue and deliver more. “Co-founder Daksh tells Entrepenuer stories.
Product roadmap
With the pivot to the EdTech platform, a startup has presently launched three courses, namely Basic, Technical analysis and professional course. The trio has well divided the stages into 3 parts.
The basic course is from the grassroots level and aims to equip the beginner with all the essential terms and jargon used. The course is well illustrated through practical applicability with a strong grip on theoretical knowledge.
“Basic course is a first step towards the financial market. Just like the crawling stage before you can take your first bold move.” Co-founder Daksh explains to Entrepenuer Stories.
In the technical analysis course, you will learn about different investment strategies and step-ups. The course is directed to build proper psychology for Intraday trading. “This course is a mixture of theory and our experiments with these strategies. The curriculum is a hybrid of both providing complete information about the strategies along with the result you can expect.” Co-founder Vishank adds.
The professional course is a complete package that helps you understand the demand and supply relationship in the real world. This course aims to build up your fundamental analysis skills and familiarise you with all sorts of patterns and possibilities.
Growth plan
Speaking about the plans, co-founder Vishank says, “To serve the market, investment tree fincorp is planning to launch more courses in near future, we are planning to convert this one of the best specialised financial EdTech platforms, as well as we are planning to bring up automation in trading of our strategies using scanners and algo trading. For this vertical, we are also open to collaborating with more people. If you are reading this and you feel you can elevate this, you can contact us.