Shrey Ahluwalia, a Tarot Reader, Vastu specialist and Astrologer by profession, has triumphed colossal success worldwide.
His parents are immeasurably educated and also are in the same field.
His dad Kailash Ahluwalia is an ex-Delhi High court Advocate. He is also a distinguished Astrologer and has been practising in the life-changing field for the last 18 years. His mother Vijay Ahluwalia is a reiki grandmaster and crystal healer.
Shrey is thankful to his family and never misses out on appreciating his wife, who has supported him throughout and is also a very important person in his decision making.
Shrey is a young entrepreneur who thinks one of the important things we did was that we worked hard to recognize the right problem before detecting the solution.
He has not only focused on the basic economics of Astrology but has solved very complex cases.
He has a client base of over 2000 clients from South Africa, Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago.Shrey tries to simply any situation with the help of planetary positions and with the help of his Tarot cards.
In the exclusive interview, he mentioned that how important is the time of birth of a person.
Time-duration or “Dasha periods” are:
- The heavenly bodies carry and influence you because of their positions and time periods.
- The reaction they have on your life.
- The direction they are bound to propel you in.
Dasha Predictions are based on Birth date astrology.
He also focuses on the Nakshatra a person is born in.
Nakshatra positions of planets are examined in the birth chart. The use of Nakshatra is significant in Vedic astrology. Indian seers say that the Nakshatras represent the abodes into which the fruits of our labour (our Karma) is transferred and stored.
Many of his clients believe that he gives ample time and doesn’t rush in his readings. Shrey is true towards his work, and in this article, he will focus on one of the most important parts of Astrology that is
Medical Astrology.
Medical astrology is an ancient applied branch of astrology based mostly on melothesia.
In medical astrology, all the planets represent some or the other part of your body. During the Dasha of a planet that is the unfavourable transit, the individual will suffer from the health complications in the body part represented by the planet in question. Let’s take a look at body parts and diseases related to different planets.
Sun Planet
Sun is considered to be the karaka of bones. It rules the stomach, right eye, heart, skin, head and joints. During the Dasha of Sun, the native will suffer from problems related to the body parts ruled by it.
Moon Planet
Moon is considered to be the karaka of mind and heart. It rules the heart, lungs, left eye, breast, brain, blood, body fluids, tube feeding, intestinal, renal and lymphatic duct.
Mars Planet
Blood, marrow, energy, neck, veins, genitals, neck, red blood cells, Anal, Female organs and body energy levels come under the rulership of Mars.
Mercury Planet
Mercury is the karaka of the chest, nervous system, skin, navel, nose, gall bladder, nerves, lungs, tongue, arms, face and hair.
Jupiter Planet
Jupiter is the karaka of thighs, fat, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, ears, tongue, memory, spleen etc.
Venus Planet
Venus is the karaka of face, light eyes, genitals, urine, semen, body, shine and luster, throat, and glands. The native may have to suffer from related diseases during Venus’s Dasha and antardasha. Venus is also the Karak of vision.
Saturn Planet
Saturn is the karaka of Legs, joints, bones, muscles, organs, teeth, skin, hair, ears, knees etc. Afflicted Saturn in the horoscope gives health complications related to its karaka elements. Physical weakness, muscle weakness, stomach pain, organ injury, skin and feet disease, joint pain, blindness, rugged hair, mental concerns, paralysis, deafness is caused due to weak Saturn.
Rahu Planet
Rahu is the karaka of legs, breathing, neck, lungs etc. Afflicted Rahu give problems related to breathing, lungs, ulcer, legs etc. it can also cause cataracts, blisters, stammer, spleen, etc. Cancer is also caused due to Rahu.
Ketu Planet
Ketu is the karaka of the abdomen and claws. It also gives diseases related to lungs, fever etc. Insects in the intestine, ear problems, eye disorders, stomach pain, physical weakness, brain disorders etc., are also caused due to afflicted Ketu. Ketu also gives mysterious diseases whose root cause cannot be determined
For Any Queries:
Check out his Google Page
Shrey Ahluwalia
+91 9971402846