Manushi Chhillar, a former Miss World, has established herself in the entertainment industry. Alongside Akshay Kumar, she made her acting debut in the 2022 film Samrat Prithviraj. The actress-model is active on social media and has a sizable fan base. She frequently gives followers a behind-the-scenes look into her life. The actor, though, tends to keep her personal affairs private. The most recent news is that Manushi is no longer single.
Manushi Chhillar is dating 35-year-old co-founder of Zerodha and businessman Nikhil Kamath, according to the Hindustan Times. The two reportedly started dating in 2021. The pair have kept their relationship a secret and regularly travel together.
The story also claims, “The two had been getting along well. Even now, they live together. Manushi is currently concentrating on her Bollywood profession. Thus she doesn’t want to discuss her romantic life because it would detract from it. The two feel comfortable with each other around their friends and family. Therefore they want to keep things quiet.”
The couple recently visited Rishikesh, the home of yoga in India.
For the uninitiated, Nikhil Kamath and Amanda Puravankara were wed on April 18, 2019, in Florence, Italy. Nevertheless, the couple divorced in 2021 after only a year of dating.