We thought CIFDAQ is another exchange out to take advantage of the cryptocurrency boom in India with CoinSwitch Kuber and CoinDCX all over the place, what new would it have to offer? The right person to answer this would be Himanshu Maradiya, the Gujarat-born Founder & CEO of CIFDAQ. He smiled, took a pause, and said: “If CIFDAQ were to capitalize on the inroads made by the other exchanges, India would have been a priority for its business model. However, since the cryptocurrency law in India is yet to be tabled and enacted, the business plan of the exchange while being dynamic, currently focuses on crypto-friendly nations and will be stationed in Switzerland for its global launch. India can wait until everything is formalized by the Government.”
The use of Synthetic Assets, Mix-Breed trading, AI-Powered trading BOTS, White Hole Vaporization & Swaps, and Trading Triplets do make it stand out in the mayhem. The myriad of functionalities and services on offer make it a compelling proposition.
The unprecedented rise to fame of Binance in just four years making it the first crypto exchange to clock a valuation of $100+ billion and Coinbase at $45 billion make the cryptocurrency exchange segment truly lucrative. The cryptocurrency market valuation is expected to touch $10 trillion by 2023. This is the fastest asset to hit a trillion-dollar valuation out beating even gold and the greenback.
Himanshu Maradiya was also asked if he plans to launch his own cryptocurrency. He promptly said “Of course yes, the exchange will have its own native cryptocurrency called CIFD, and all the customers that choose to use it stand to benefit in various ways. Besides, CIFD will be the first utility token to have an intrinsic and extrinsic ecosystem that pans across the micro and the macro.” It was again enquired as to what does an intrinsic and extrinsic ecosystem convey? We learned that an intrinsic ecosystem meant the use of the CIFD token to pay for various products and services on the exchange and to be able to use this Token as the Native Currency. The extrinsic utility proposition is what lends it a GEN-Z Dimension. The fact that there are plans to allow for the use of CIFD tokens at the POS (Point of Sale) across gold stores, health chains, super markets, logistics, e-commerce and online subscriptions do colour it with stability and credence. The token is not unidimensional and this kaleidoscopic prospective will likely catapult it amongst the preferred utility tokens currently available in the market.
Terms that have not found mention so far in any chronicle or on Wikipedia are “White Hole Swap” and “White Hole Vaporization”. When Maradiya was questioned about the meaning of these terms, he mentioned that “These terms are currently in the process of being patented and hence would not like to delve into the details or the nitty-gritties in case the novel functionalities are leaked or given away too early. The wait will end soon enough when these services are introduced on CIFDAQ Exchange. All I can assure you is that, it will hopefully be worth the wait.”
What do AI-Based Trading Bots Do?
For the uninitiated, these trading bots may generate passive income for the users of the exchange without demanding any time or expertise. When asked what sort of returns could be expected, Maradiya said that the back-testing over the past four years throw up double-digit monthly returns. When asked if this would be a pioneering move of AI Trading bot and cryptocurrency exchange integration, he unassumingly said “Why do you want me to make a statement? Time will tell!”. We at our end researched the efficacy and utility of trading BOTS. The research threw up certain takeaways that show if the integration of the BOTS is done well, this move may be a benchmark milestone for not just CIFDAQ as a first mover but also for the Global Trades at large who will want to play catch with Quant and Artificial Intelligence Trading BOTS. Disruptive times demand even more disrupting technologies that leave the traders with more time and even better passive income.
A Token (CIFD) that Talks & An Exchange (CIFDAQ) that Speaks. This statement pretty much gives away what exciting times could be in store for the users of the exchange. Until the focus shifts to India, its advantage Switzerland.
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