The exhaustion of petroleum and increasing environmental concern promotes the demand of biofuel as an alternative fuel. GE Biofuels forward this approach to abate the climatic change and promote the use of biofuels. However complete substitution of petroleum is impossible yet, the slight replacement can work adequately. So, the company merges the mixture that works the best for vehicles.
GE biofuels is the emerging biodiesel supplier of the northern-eastern area. Its regional office is located in Rampur garden i.e., one of the enriched facilitated areas of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. The location of the office is 3 km/9 min from the Satellite Bus station and the plant situated in Bisalpur road. Also, the Headquarter is located in Noida sector-63.
Because of the fact that a biodiesel fuel station is the futuristic approach, GEbiofuels sincerely endorse this. They dedicatedly work for a better and nonlethal future. Also, the 5+ year experience in the Oleochemical and vegetable industry makes them expert in taking relatable decisions. Obviously, there are many more options to go for, but this company is the one that works genuinely. It is flourished with the ultimate technology and experience for providing the ultimate quality to the customer.
For your first step, there are three best franchise opportunities of gebiofuels to operate and promote your own biodiesel station. They are dealerships, super stockists,and urja mitra. However, there are some easy and basic norms to grab this opportunity.
To become a dealer you have at least 1000 sq mtr land, 1 dispenser of 3kw electric connection, pipes and fittings, potable water supply and some valid identity cards. Being a dealer partner with this firm you will never face any trouble to fulfil your requirement. They work transparently to get the quick result of your actions. Since, converting the crowd into customers is not a big deal. But GE works for the quality and those who are loyal and sincere towards their work it always promotes them. You only need to follow these norms and setups for a good turn-over without maltreating the environment.
Same as for the super stockist, one has to follow some basic parameters. You will have a minimal 2500 sqm area of land with at least 100000ltr storage capacity. Also you need 40-45 lakhs investment to become a stable super stockist. However, it is not easy to hold things randomly so make a pre plan. Of course GE biofuels help you in everything but atlast the decision is yours. They always endorse the customer for each right step. Also provide the quality fuel with the right mixture of substitution.
The GE team never follows a rendered method for any profit. The only thing they focus on is to meet their initial requirements for the progressive future. Being a super stockist supplier, the firm wides its feet by covering Jharkhand, Bihar, W. Bengal, with some northeast area i.e., Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. The good quality biodiesel and the hassle free services is the key behind all this reach. Meanwhile, they are always working to spread their webs to provide as much as they can without compromising their class.
The last but not the least service of GEbiofuels is URJA MITRA. It is like a small pump station with a marginal capacity of 950 ltr. Because of the little capacity and more portability it is the most emerging one service of the company. This small and easy portable carry tank dispenser works well for any compact area.
Its magnificent features such as 1 CBM capacity, solenoid valve, 1 HP AC motor 220v, 1 inch automatic nozzle, 6 meter steel braided high hose and many more to explore makes it a most popularised service of GE firm. The company is one of the leading companies that work successfully on this service. The manufacturing team assured the customer that its manhole works amazingly for the temperature variation and air pressure. Also the valves automatically open in any accidental situation.
GEbiofuels is the 9001 certified producer of biodiesel, glycerine, bioethanol, etc. plus the leading producer in this field. Also this is not only to show on paper they work the same for their ground level. Their laboratory work 24*7 with the latest equipment to provide the best quality. The team management and research and development department always try to improve the quality of the product. For which we are providing the best of bestest products to explore this field.
The company keeps a focus on establishing a clean and green India. Their vision is as clear as their work. This is the reason that they are the most trusted global leader in the biofuel energy industry. If you want to enroll yourself for the green revolution and are interested to take a step ahead towards the future of fuels then click here.