Aditya Tikku is an eminent writer, and well known editor with rich experience of 11 years at the National Magazine Surbhi Saloni. Besides being a writer, he is a social worker with endless contribution in the society for the past 19 years with several recognition in his kitty. He has earned huge accolades for his book ‘Antarvand’, stories revolving around the subject of feminism. He was always inclined to spirituality since a very young age and this led him to dedicate his life for Aradhana Sadhana foundation to impart spirituality worldwide. A strong believer in Goddess Saraswati Aditya is a feminist, a child Counselor, a family counselor with a good number of clientele. Professionally Aditya is a businessman.
Aditya is born naturally optimistic which makes him hopeful, confident and with a major focus on only the good aspects of the situation. He has been the key note speaker and had attended more than 200 workshops as a motivational speaker. He encourages the young minds to possess a high degree of self confidence which is indeed the key to build oneself up. Aditya shares saying “our mind is the most important part of our body that should only be fed with positivity. If we don’t develop a more positive attitude today, we can’t develop a constructive personality even in the future”
Being a child counselor and a family counselor Aditya believes ‘every child be a girl or a boy must feel safe and confident to speak at home and family is the first person in the life of the children who can encourage them to become a better human being with right guidance, freedom and moral support”
When we speak about feminism, the very first thing that comes to mind is equality of people regardless of gender. That also stresses on the fact that equality is the freedom that all humans have the same worth be it a girl or a boy. It starts with given a basic right and freedom to all the girls of at least expressing their emotions at their own will in their own space without the feeling of being judged by anyone, not even the family members. Needless to mention, the actual freedom and respect begins at home. Now the question arises that do the girls really have to be concerned before expressing their emotions?
With a soft corner of feminism and being a feminist Aditya expresses his own point of view “Being a non-believer of equality, I have always believed that there can never be any equality between girls and boys as girls are much stronger mentally together with maturity and intelligence. The only thing that’s in dearth is the equal opportunity to the girls and if they are given with proper opportunity, I believe girls can stand in a far better and superior position.”
Another most important thing that requires a take in relation to the context is the education of girls. Now the question arises, are we educating our girls so that they get married someday? As a matter of fact, marriage is the most important thing in life but it’s not the ultimate goal. Or are we making them knowledgeable for their own benefit, their own career? At least a girl should be subjected to non-discrimination, with a must have right to survival and development of potential for their own career, good mental being and equal participation in the family.
Aditya sign’s off saying “There’s more to life and career along with marriage, hence we can’t ignore the women and children and how they are being treated and neglected from getting the right opportunities and the pain behind what they goes through”