Entrepenuer Stories

A Sufi Singer, Vocalist, Music Producer, Video Producer, and Founder of Prime Digital Arena – Ahemad Razvi

Ahemad Razvi is a Vocalist, Sufi Singer, Music Composer and Producer, Video Producer, and owner of a record label. He is the owner of Prime Digital Arena. He is a known name in this firm and is continuously working towards music and especially Sufi Singing. At 23, he has done and recorded over 50 albums.

Our team reached out to him, interviewed him, and got insights into his life and work. Here we share the interview that took place. 

Hello Ahemad, thank you for your time and for joining us today. Welcome!

Thank you so much for having me. I’m looking for a great chat today with you.

Shall we begin?

Yes-Yes, sure.

Q: To start with, tell us about yourself and what you do?

A: I’m a vocalist, a Sufi singer, Composer, and producer. I have my record label named Prime Digital Arena. If I have to explain it in plain words, Prime Digital Arena is a filmmaking studio and film production company. We provide creative services to our clients, including Recording Studio (ADR), Visual Effects (VFX), Commercial Ads, Web and Application Development, Music and Video Labels, etc. We bring talent to the surface.

This is great!

Q: When and how did you start this company? Did you face any difficulties? 

A: I started Digital Prime Arena in 2011. When my peers were focusing on their studies, I established a company on my own. It was a journey full of ups and downs, but I was passionate about it, and it was my passion and dedication that kept me going. At times the thought of giving up also struck my mind, but I did not. 

When I started this production house, I didn’t have the money that was required to start a production house back in 2011. I faced many challenges, foremost being criticism that lowered my self-esteem. No one had faith in me, or anyone trusted me. I remember people would remark, “You won’t be able to do this. Quit and come.” These words kept me going and made me work even more challenging. 

That is something, Ahemad! Looking forward to learning more about it.

Q: When you started, did you have any experience in business or the field you were getting into?

A: To be honest, I had nothing but my dedication with me. I started from square one on my own. I’m self-taught. I learnt how to mix-master-record and edit a song on my own without spending even a penny. Similarly, I took help from my friends and cybercafes. At that time, we didn’t have so many resources like we have today. With those available resources, I learnt VFX and, after that, started a YouTube channel.

Q: Why don’t you share your YouTube journey with us?

A: YouTube channel was started with the mission to give tutorials to people who are keen to learn. As I’m a Sufi Singer, I used to upload videos so that people could understand, and they did. That was all about the YouTube journey. It is still active, and I still upload videos on my channel.  

Q: Can you now please share and give us insight into your personal life and the Sufi Singing, like how you got into it?

A: I started singing Sufi when I was 12-years-old. I started it with my father, and with him, I also performed in various live concerts and family functions. My childhood is rooted in Sufi. I believe that my voice is God-gifted, for which I thank God every time. Singing has always brought me to peace, and I believe it has the power to heal and change me. 

When I planned to take this to another level and upgrade it, lack of funding was a reason, and we couldn’t multi-fold it rapidly. So I, with a few of my friends, started doing functions and marriage events from where we managed to get funds. I also took personal loans and loans from friends to build my studio. The journey started from there with all the hardships, and everything finally came on track. I have done a lot of projects pan India. This couldn’t have been possible without the support of my parents. They had faith in me when no one else had, and they kept me motivated throughout.

Thank you, Ahemad Razvi, for joining us. It was so great to have you today with us! An Inspiring Journey of yours. 

You can learn more about Ahemad Razvi and Prime Digital Arena via the following links:

Website: www.psdigitalarena.com  Instagram: Ahemad Razvi

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