In a world where innovation and creativity know no bounds, three Indian personalities are redefining the fabric of their respective fields. Dr. Sheetal Nair, a pioneering psychologist, is revolutionizing mental...
Meet The Word Weavers: Top 8 writers of 2024, a diverse and talented group of wordsmiths who are redefining the literary landscape. This list is a treasure trove of storytelling...
Get Ready to Be Mesmerized by the Top 3 Literary Rockstars Of 2023! Meet the Three Game-Changing Authors Who Are Revolutionizing Indian Literature with Their Unbridled Talent, Unapologetic Voice, and...
In compiling the list of 21 Famous Indian Writers of the 21st Century, several key criteria were meticulously evaluated to ensure a comprehensive and representative selection. Firstly, each writer's literary...
Asian Footwears teams up with cricket legend MS Dhoni as their new brand ambassador, creating a game-changing partnership that combines reliability, durability, performance, and style. Asian Footwears, Delhi based homegrown...
New Delhi: Echelon Edge Pvt. Ltd., a leading provider of innovative technology solutions is please to announce its participation in the 1st India ISP Conclave, organized by the Department of...
New Delhi: With her eye on overseas expansion along with pan-India outreach plans, Pritika Singh has some grand plans for Prayag Hospitals Group this year. The 31-year-old CEO of one...
Shannon Miller has rightfully said , “Just because your life changes, doesn’t mean that your deepest passions have to.” and the life of Suman Kumari makes one truly feel as...
Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of psychological health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Many people have mental health...
Harshad Nagpal is the business Entrepreneur and Stock Investor Head of RAINMAKER CORPORATION who recently cracked Foreign Investment Deal for all Indian investors to invest in foreign stocks. About Harshad...