Saba Azad, the talented actor and musician, and Shibani Dandekar, the popular television personality, are currently enjoying a fun-filled vacation in the beautiful city of Rome, Italy. The duo is accompanied by their close friends, including the renowned composer-singer, Vishal Dadlani. Saba and Shibani have been sharing glimpses of their Roman holiday on their respective social media handles, and their fans are swooning over the stunning pictures and videos from their trip.
The trio has been exploring the picturesque city of Rome, known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious food. In one of the pictures shared by Shibani on her Instagram handle, she clicked a selfie with Saba and another friend as they enjoyed the outdoors. Saba looked gorgeous in a green dress, while Shibani sported a chic black outfit. In another picture, Shibani and Saba posed next to each other with the Colosseum, one of Rome’s most iconic landmarks, in the background.
The girls have been having a blast, as seen in the selfie Shibani clicked, featuring Vishal, Saba, and their friend. In the picture, all the girls rested their faces on their hands and smiled for the camera, while Vishal flashed the rock-on sign. The group also had some fun with a photo stand-in, where Saba and her friend posed goofily.
The food in Rome has been a highlight of their trip, with Saba sharing a picture of her scrumptious plate of pasta on her Instagram Stories, exclaiming “Yesss laaawd!” Shibani also shared a video of their meals on her Instagram Stories, which looked equally delicious. The duo has been soaking up the Roman culture, indulging in the city’s delectable cuisine, and exploring its many attractions.
The City of Love, as Rome is often called, is known for its romantic atmosphere, and Saba and Shibani seem to be enjoying the city’s charm. Shibani shared a selfie of herself dressed in a beautiful blue and white outfit, looking radiant against the backdrop of the city. The girls have been taking in the sights, sounds, and flavors of Rome, making the most of their time in the city.
Saba and Shibani are both known for their artistic talents, with Saba being a musician and actor, and Shibani a host, anchor, and singer. The duo has been giving their fans a glimpse of their personal lives, showcasing their fun and adventurous side, and inspiring their followers to live life to the fullest.
The pictures and videos from Saba and Shibani’s Roman holiday have been making waves on social media, with fans showering the duo with love and appreciation. Their fans are eagerly waiting for more updates from their trip, and it looks like the girls are having the time of their lives.
In conclusion, Saba Azad and Shibani Dandekar’s Roman holiday is a perfect example of how to explore a new city with friends, enjoying the culture, food, and attractions. Their fun and adventurous trip to Rome is a reminder to make the most of life and cherish every moment.